Since the introduction of the highly topical and popular website YouTube online expression through short films and documentaries has become extremely apparent within today’s modern world. Freedom of speech and voicing your opinions is extremely important to any individual and when there are limited resources to do so we as human beings turn towards online.
How often is your voice heard…?
How often is your voice heard…?

In my personal opinion I believe every citizen should have the opportunity to voice their beliefs, opinions and ideas about whatever topic they desire whether it be controversial or not. In recent years we have seen Amateur clips on YouTube from the dramatic comedy short film “leave Britney Alone” to the remake emotional short film “ 911”. Online documentaries allow voices to be heard and without this form of media (YouTube) individuals voices may not be heard concluding to opinions and ideas kept a secret.
The Documentary below is an example of an Amateur video targeting an audience of environmentalists and people who care about what is happening to the environment. The documentary is based around the latest oil spill to hit our shores and exposes what BP is not telling us regarding the disaster.
These amateur documentaries also come into the forms of series which is the example I will be showing below. This documentary “Amateur Ghost Hunters – Documentary Part One” is one of many amateur ghost videos. These documentaries are clearly comical and are there for audience amusement and not for serious expression.
The Documentary below is an example of an Amateur video targeting an audience of environmentalists and people who care about what is happening to the environment. The documentary is based around the latest oil spill to hit our shores and exposes what BP is not telling us regarding the disaster.
These amateur documentaries also come into the forms of series which is the example I will be showing below. This documentary “Amateur Ghost Hunters – Documentary Part One” is one of many amateur ghost videos. These documentaries are clearly comical and are there for audience amusement and not for serious expression.
When it comes down to these short films and documentaries made by the public there really isn’t much original content or freedom of speech content available. The videos I found on YouTube were mainly based around music, short documentaries of 9/11 and other unnecessary, uneducated topics. However one film I viewed called “mute- freedom of speech’ which as mentioned with the clip was made for a film festival. This documentary silently educates its target audience about freedom of speech in a controversial manner. The film is very short however comes across in a powerful manner.
Freedom of speech is extremely important in the controversial world of today. However it seems as though in today’s world the only ones who are able to voice their opinions on certain topics or situation are politicians, sports stars and news reports. The average Joe rarely gets the opportunity to opinionate their feelings on certain situations. This is where the creations of YouTube comes into play and drastically changes the ways in which we voice our opinions to the world. Whether it is comical or dramatic, documentary or fiction voicing our opinions online has become the new path to freedom…
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