Mobile Phones – Are we being controlled by technology? Can we live without them??

In today’s modern world, mobile phones are seen as a compulsory product and could almost be classified as a body part you take everywhere and if left behind you feel a sense of being naked and alone.
If you happen to not own a mobile phone I congratulate you for not being sucked into the phone phenomenon however I also question… how in the hell do you live, communicate and organised meetings with your friends, family and work related individuals?
As for myself, I’ am a proud and obsessed owner of the one and only IPhone. I must be honest and say that when the IPhone 3G was first released on the market I thought it was another one of Apples rip off products however since being sucked into the technology I have willingly changed my view and will openly say that I LOVE my Apple IPhone.

Mobile phones have become apart of our daily life activities and without this technology we feel unwanted, lost and unsafe in our surrounding environment.
So...Is this mobile phone obsession healthy for our lifestyles and mental wellbeing?
This question can be viewed by two very different opinions.
Opinion One: Mobile Phones keep us safe and give the people we know a peace of mind.
There is no doubt that society is changing and we are seeing a strong increase in violence and crime, resulting in many people feeling more and more insecure in their community. This is where the mobile phone comes into play with many parents giving it to their children or even elders to give them a peace of mind. You could say this option is much like a personal tracking device where parents can check up on their loved ones anytime, any day.
Option Two: Mobile Phones are turning society into very arrogant, needy and insecure individuals.
Have you ever been at a restaurant with a friend or partner and had them get on their phone and talk or text whilst mid conversation or has that ever been you? – I have and to be honest it is just plain rude!! Mobile phone obsession is making us very arrogant and rude without us even knowing. As well as this people constantly want more attention and affection without even being aware of this constant need. Mobile phones are creating a seriously insecure society.
Looking back at these two options you could say this mobile phone mania the world has is extremely unhealthy in terms of mental wellbeing. This constant need of knowing peoples every move and a sense of feeling like you belong through text messages or calls is resulting in a distracting and maybe unhealthy lifestyle we have placed ourselves in.
However enough of the critism, the invention of the phone is genius and has changed society and the way the world runs significantly. Yes, we may be all of the above and yes it may be destroying our mental well being and communication skills however without the mobile phone our society may not be advanced as it is today, we may have more crime and insecurities then we are seeing today.
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