Friday, May 28, 2010

Future Gazing…Through Facebook...

Facebook… one of the most well known, talked about and most controversial online communications in the world. So the questions is… is facebook doing us harm?

In past times, back before online chat rooms, mobile phones and even internet access was available face to face communication was crucial and apparent in every day life. However today we have seen a dramatic downfall with communication slowly resulting through technologies such as online chat rooms, mobile phones and of course the one the only facebook.

Has facebook change the way in which we associate in society?

To be honest I thought facebook was a useless waste of time and extremely unsocial when it came out. All my friends where jumping in line to create their own facebook bar me. However as time went on I realised that I was the odd one out the only one who didn’t own a facebook and to be quite honest left out…
When one of my best friends moved back to America I gave in… purely to communicate with her… well that’s what I say…

Since being on facebook I have realised that communication with certain people has changed dramatically. People I would have spoken to through mobile communication or face to face I now speak through online. As well as this, I noticed that people who I have never heard of or seen in my life began trying to add me as a friend. Online stalking and the constant need of knowing what people are doing I have never really understood. I don’t mean to offend but I can’t stand the News Feed. What motivates people to update what they are doing ever hour of the day? And more importantly who actually sits there and reads this crap… I can tell you one thing.. I definitely do not

Online Stalking… Has It Gone To Far…

Online stalking can be harmful and a bit of fun however when is online stalking through facebook enough? Recently there have been news reports surrounding the death of a young girl after meeting what she thought was an attractive teenaged boy online. The girl un-expectantly planned her own death after meeting up with whom she though was a teenaged boy but turned out as a middle aged murder.

This sad reality has come extremely apparent in society and makes us question the safety of facebook and who you should or should not trust.

Facebook is part of most people lives and has become the latest craze and phenomenon in the 21st Century. Facebook is a safe place to interact when going about it in the correct and educated way. I believe facebook is a chic invention however has created a shy society in terms of communicating face to face.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Voicing Opinions Online... The New Path To Freedom...

Since the introduction of the highly topical and popular website YouTube online expression through short films and documentaries has become extremely apparent within today’s modern world. Freedom of speech and voicing your opinions is extremely important to any individual and when there are limited resources to do so we as human beings turn towards online.

How often is your voice heard…?

In my personal opinion I believe every citizen should have the opportunity to voice their beliefs, opinions and ideas about whatever topic they desire whether it be controversial or not. In recent years we have seen Amateur clips on YouTube from the dramatic comedy short film “leave Britney Alone” to the remake emotional short film “ 911”. Online documentaries allow voices to be heard and without this form of media (YouTube) individuals voices may not be heard concluding to opinions and ideas kept a secret.

The Documentary below is an example of an Amateur video targeting an audience of environmentalists and people who care about what is happening to the environment. The documentary is based around the latest oil spill to hit our shores and exposes what BP is not telling us regarding the disaster.

These amateur documentaries also come into the forms of series which is the example I will be showing below. This documentary “Amateur Ghost Hunters – Documentary Part One” is one of many amateur ghost videos. These documentaries are clearly comical and are there for audience amusement and not for serious expression.

When it comes down to these short films and documentaries made by the public there really isn’t much original content or freedom of speech content available. The videos I found on YouTube were mainly based around music, short documentaries of 9/11 and other unnecessary, uneducated topics. However one film I viewed called “mute- freedom of speech’ which as mentioned with the clip was made for a film festival. This documentary silently educates its target audience about freedom of speech in a controversial manner. The film is very short however comes across in a powerful manner.

Freedom of speech is extremely important in the controversial world of today. However it seems as though in today’s world the only ones who are able to voice their opinions on certain topics or situation are politicians, sports stars and news reports. The average Joe rarely gets the opportunity to opinionate their feelings on certain situations. This is where the creations of YouTube comes into play and drastically changes the ways in which we voice our opinions to the world. Whether it is comical or dramatic, documentary or fiction voicing our opinions online has become the new path to freedom…

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mobile Phone Mania!

Mobile Phones – Are we being controlled by technology? Can we live without them??

In today’s modern world, mobile phones are seen as a compulsory product and could almost be classified as a body part you take everywhere and if left behind you feel a sense of being naked and alone.

If you happen to not own a mobile phone I congratulate you for not being sucked into the phone phenomenon however I also question… how in the hell do you live, communicate and organised meetings with your friends, family and work related individuals?

As for myself, I’ am a proud and obsessed owner of the one and only IPhone. I must be honest and say that when the IPhone 3G was first released on the market I thought it was another one of Apples rip off products however since being sucked into the technology I have willingly changed my view and will openly say that I LOVE my Apple IPhone.

Mobile phones have become apart of our daily life activities and without this technology we feel unwanted, lost and unsafe in our surrounding environment.

So...Is this mobile phone obsession healthy for our lifestyles and mental wellbeing?

This question can be viewed by two very different opinions.

Opinion One: Mobile Phones keep us safe and give the people we know a peace of mind.

There is no doubt that society is changing and we are seeing a strong increase in violence and crime, resulting in many people feeling more and more insecure in their community. This is where the mobile phone comes into play with many parents giving it to their children or even elders to give them a peace of mind. You could say this option is much like a personal tracking device where parents can check up on their loved ones anytime, any day.
Option Two: Mobile Phones are turning society into very arrogant, needy and insecure individuals.

Have you ever been at a restaurant with a friend or partner and had them get on their phone and talk or text whilst mid conversation or has that ever been you? – I have and to be honest it is just plain rude!! Mobile phone obsession is making us very arrogant and rude without us even knowing. As well as this people constantly want more attention and affection without even being aware of this constant need. Mobile phones are creating a seriously insecure society.

Looking back at these two options you could say this mobile phone mania the world has is extremely unhealthy in terms of mental wellbeing. This constant need of knowing peoples every move and a sense of feeling like you belong through text messages or calls is resulting in a distracting and maybe unhealthy lifestyle we have placed ourselves in.

However enough of the critism, the invention of the phone is genius and has changed society and the way the world runs significantly. Yes, we may be all of the above and yes it may be destroying our mental well being and communication skills however without the mobile phone our society may not be advanced as it is today, we may have more crime and insecurities then we are seeing today.

What Do You Think??

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

YouTube... Deciding The Future Leaders Of Today???

Politicians are always looking for innovative avenues to advertise and promote new campaigns. Social media areas such as YouTube, Facebook and My Space have become the modern medium for communicating and advertising products to their target audience. As of now these social mediums have begun to influence our political landscape with several parties utilizing these programs to not only reach a larger audience but also a younger audience as well.

So the question is... is YouTube an affective medium for political campaigns?

John Edwards...

The first person to ever announce his candidacy for US president was John Edwards who announced his candidacy via his website He posted an online video which was unique in a few ways because for the first time in political history a major presidential competitor didn’t announce it through the edited lens of the media or one to one with an anchor he announced it online and unedited. This was a brave move.
The reason behind John Edwards decision to announce through video was to talk directly to the people online however this proved to be the wrong decision with many people not viewing Edwards online announcement, the fact that he elected online was seen to be a mistake.

So is it a good idea posting electoral campaigns online? Is it a more effective or a mistake?

Barack Obama...

A positive online campaign is current very popular President Barack Obama’s website The Obama campaign received a tremendous amount of credit from the media and online political communities for building perhaps the most sophisticated and professional campaign tool ever seen in political history and definitely paid off with many accessing the site and in turn voting Obama for President.

Kevin Rudd...

Prime Minister hopeful Kevin Rudd launched his ‘Kevin 07’ campaign by using online technologies to boost his campaign. Rudd produced a website Kevin 07 which had updated blog entries about the campaign, direct supporters to join Rudd’s MySpace and Facebook networks as well as offering wallpapers and other downloads for his supporters. Rudd’s online campaign was successful with over 5,000 supporters joining his network.

So what are the pros and cons of social mediums such as YouTube?

There are many risks associated with using online tools such as Edwards online campaign where his target audience did not log on to view his campaign which may have concluded to less votes. As well as Edwards there is a large opportunity for people to sabotage the political campaign which in turn can have a negative impact. However there are many positive aspects for online campaigns such as reaching a much wider younger audiences, being eco efficient and getting the campaigns goals and objectives across more quicker.

Is it possible that YouTube will help to decide the next leader for both the United States and Australia...?

Are social mediums such as YouTube the right avenue to take when promoting an upcoming political campaign? I’ll let you decide...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Are You A Produser...?

The term Produsage is not very common nevertheless Produsage is seen daily all over the world however how many of us are exposed to Produsage without even knowing what it means and knowing that it exists?
My first experience of Produsage was probably at a young age listening to music artists conflicting the old with the new. As mentioned on ‘produsers engage not in a traditional form of content production, but are instead involved in Produsage – the collaborative and continuous building and extending of existing content in pursuit of further improvement’.

To put into an easier context, Produsage is seen continuously within the music industry and social mediums such as youtube and second life. We the users turned creators transform old versions into a new form which has similar aspects but a different look.

Are you a Produser... ?

You may be thinking Produsage is a form of untalented, unoriginal art however we must be conscious that original content still exists by an ever diminishing number of people, original content is not dead and may never be. Advanced Technology that we are exposed to today enhances us to innovate new products in ways that we have never been able to before concluding to a demand within the market.

So why has Produsage been introduced into society? It is because we as consumer want something more, something we can create and relate to?

Consumer demand is ever growing and ever changing and companies are struggling to keep up with different trends. Consumers are using existing content in pursuit of further improvement. Key Examples of Produsage can be seen through software such as wikipedia, youtube or in online games such as The Sims, Second Life which is prodused by its users rather than the publisher.

The core object of Produsage is to involve users as producers concluding to these user-produsers taking lead into the development of new content and ideas. Produsers tend to collaborate rather than work individually and in order to be a produser rather than a producer it is necessary also to be a user of other participants content.

You may not be informed or aware but there are many forms of Produsage in today’s modern world, here are just some examples to help you understand better:

Second Life is a great example of produsers in action. Second Life is an online game were you as the user controls the game rather then the creator of the game. Second life puts you as the user turned creator in charge giving the user a sense of creation and control within the game.

Youtube is a fairly new creation which is where many producers are created without them even knowing. One of the more recent creations is the popular Hitler Film Downfall has been recorded then recreated by a producer who has selected a scene in German and has put English subtitles over it creating the scene to be something it isn’t. The Youtube Clip is called “Hitler finds out the truth about Santa”. This particular use of Produsage is very conflicting since the Producers of the film are not happy that the film is being mocked however are happy the way this youtube clip has marketed their product due to people wanting to watch the real scene. is a very popular website created for enthusiasts to continue on story lines from famous films and books. These users turned creators are able to set up forums/blogs and rewrite and continue on scripts which have ended due to the producers not continuing on. Fan is a similar site to were users are aloud to unleash their imagination and become the creators.

Produsage is not a term used very often however is seen, heard and written every day. You may be a produser or just experience it without knowing but it certainly is identified daily around the world.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

CyberSex... The Modern World Sex...

In the modern world of today online chartrooms, avatars pornography and cybersex have become an over occurring reality. When browsing online it is almost impossible not to come across such sites and on accident or not you may have quietly ventured into this side of online experimentation.

Have you experienced cyber sex?

Was it something you would venture to again? Is it necessary and affective?

Pornography, online chartrooms and sex in cyberspace is a popular, unstoppable and growing business which is accessible twenty four hours a day seven days a week in the privacy of your own home. Sex in cyberspace is an affordable totally anonymous area online which is there to provide amusement to some and enjoyment to others. Cyber sex is the safest way to experience sex which many may be turning to in an unsafe world. However does it desensitise us to the real thing?

Perhaps cybersex will become the ‘normal’ sex in the future.

Online places such as ‘Second Life’ a virtual reality game have shown increases with cyber sex. Within Second Life sex is fairly common “ whether an assignation with a prostitute, a pick up in a bar or making love next to the fire at home with your second life spouse, sex is the virtual realm” (New New Media, Paul Levinson, 2009) and is extremely apparent and one of the main attractions within the virtual world.

When looking into Second Life I was extremely surprised about how large and popular the industry is, I was also extremely surprised when I was meet head-on with some of the women in the virtual world. All these women whether they be prostitutes, pole dancers or others where all perfectly sculptured and very unrealistic. Cyber sex offerings within Second Life are on the same level as real life. The business’s within Second Life offer the same services as the real life however Second Life has an advantage over the real world because your sexual fantasies can be played out without the embarrassment and within the comfort of your own home.

What is so attracting about this world of virtual sex? Is it because we can be someone else within our minds? Is it because we can have a virtual sexual relationship with another person through online? This brings up the question... is cybersex a form cheating?

Sex in cyberspace is in some way the equivalent to having another relationship. If you are in a monogamous relationship is having an online relationship with an avatar or in a chat room classified as cheating? Will your world relationship last over the online?

Mary Ann Layden co director of Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology program called Porn “the most concerning thing to psychological health that I know existing today”.

Could this virtual reality be harming people with them not knowing? Layden said “the internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous and aroused”, Layden brings up the argument of cyber sex being addictive. In the article “internet porn: worse than crack?” it has been researched that pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction then cocaine addicts.

Is this cybersex phenomenon becoming the new drug for this generation?

Today’s obsession with the newest technology has created a need for virtual reality and in turn cyber sex. But is cyber sex become a problem within society with people becoming addicted to online feelings and shutting out real world feelings.

Maybe cybersex will become the normal sex of the future...
but until then real world sex will have to do.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Digital World... Are we as human beings not good enough?

The first time I first took a look into the controversial virtual world of Second Life I was within my education environment at University. I never really took an interest or took the time to educate myself in what was supposed to be the latest craze in reality technology. My first opinions when looking through Second Life was ‘who has the time to sit at a computer for hours on end and talk to people they don’t even know within a virtual reality game’. Listening through my tutorial I began to realise that this was not just a game as I first thought however was another life for some, a life where people can pretend to be someone they are not.

For those who don’t know or have never heard of Second Life it is a virtual place where you first make up your own character, you can choose hair colour, eye colour, breast size and weight – making yourself as perfect or imperfected as you like. Then you venture within the virtual world were you meet new friends can buy property, clothes, marry and even buy sex toys. The Second world is not shy and your Second Life character can do and try everything we can in the real world
Steven Meadows the author of the famous book called “I, Avatar, The Culture and Consequences of having a Second Life” has said that “the suspension of disbelief has become a grounding of belief” in my opinion this is partially true. These virtual experiences help some to believe in a better world and therefore there becomes a feeling of belief through these virtual characters. However this also brings up the question of “isn’t the real world good enough”, “why do some feel they need to escape”, and “are we as human beings not enough”?

Within the virtual world of Second Life, people on the others side of the screen can create a character unlike them, people can be what they have always wanted and will not get judged within the screen where as they may get judged outside of the screen. Does Second Life enhance self esteem or give a false promise of reality?. In a way yes Second Life is a false sense of reality these perfectly constructed characters are not real and are far from human beings. Reeves and Nass argue that “People respond to technology on social and emotional levels much more than we ever thought” (cited meadows 2008), should we be worried about these digital addicts? Are we losing a sense of realism within the world? This statement places Second Life on a much higher level in society then I thought. People who are involved within Second Life are emotional about their characters and get extremely involved however is this a good thing?
Are human beings becoming too attached to their Avatar? Is getting emotional about a virtual world taking it a step too far? Or are we as human beings striving for something better something more than the real world?